
Room Names Theme Vote – The Results

And the winning theme is…….

pauses for dramatic effect……

Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock

I will now create the room signs.

The voting started of scattered with 1 vote each for most of the entries except for “Turing Award winners” which didn’t look like it would ever get a vote and ended with just 1 vote. Then after a short while all options (except turing) gained a little popularity until a leader appeared in the form of “Episode names from Look Around You” and for most of the vote it looked like it would be the winner. Then out of nowhere “Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock” gained popularity and took the lead to become the winner. The final results are:

  • Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock – 8 Votes
  • Episode names from Look Around You? (Water, Maths, Sodium, Germs, Ghosts, Music, Iron, Brain, etc.) – 7 Votes
  • Text Editors (Emacs, vim, Eclipse, TextMate, SublimeText, Notepad++, BBEdit, etc) – 4 Votes
  • Android Releases (Cupcake, Donut, Gingerbread etc) – 4 Votes
  • Big Bang Theory (The TV show) – 3 Votes
  • IT Legends (Gates, Jobs, Berners-Lee etc) – 3 Votes
  • Turing Award winners. (Hamming, Knuth, Hoare, Sutherland, Thomson & Ritchie) – 1 Vote

Thanks to everyone who suggested the themes and many thanks to those who voted.

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