
What to look for at #4…

BarCamp Bournemouth is returning!

We’ll be setting up once again at the Bournemouth University for the weekend of March 3rd-4th and right now it’s looking pretty promising! Big or small, debates or discussions, talks or tinkering, challenges, projects, contacts, views or news… what you bring and take away from BarCamp is up to you.

This year will draw on the successes of previous years and seek to enhance that BarCamp experience with a hack space, more flexibility for lightning talks and half-length sessions and more fresh ideas. Tickets will be going live soon so watch this space and make sure you don’t miss out on the best BarCamp Bournemouth yet!


A date for the diary…

Please stick the 3rd & 4th of March 2012 in your diary for Bar Camp Bournemouth 4.

More details to follow (and yes, we’ll add some more stuff to the site real soon!)

past bar camps

BarCamp Bournemouth 3

BarCamp 3 saw attendees from all over the country talking about a range of topics from hacking a print queue to play mp3’s and other hacks to what’s Minecraft and everything in Between. Luke ran the the failure swap shop which was a great success with everyone swapping stories and what they learned from them. A session that everyone thoroughly enjoyed.

My fondest memory was at the end of the first night after a few drinks in town a few of us came back and spent most of the night building a huge scale flying pig in Minecraft and that’s what a BarCamp is about. Learning new things, having discussions, having fun and just doing stuff for no reason but the enjoyment.