
1 week to go, time for a room theme

Our Generous Sponsors/Supporters It’s almost time; this time next weekend BarCamp Bournemouth 4 will have began and lots of wonderful talks will be taking place.

Planning is going well, we have the venue organised thanks to Bournemouth University and will be able to provide 2 meals thanks to BCS Dorset and Mozilla.

And there is is more good news, with Mozilla as the Saturday hackspace sponsor they will be bringing along some cool tech and probably some giveaways.

We would like to provide more free meals so if you know of anyone who can sponsor then send them over to our Sponsors Page for more details.

And finally as is tradition we will be naming the rooms after a theme and are taking suggestions so let us know via twitter or the comments below and we will set up a vote soon to establish the most popular suggestion.

My ideas are:

  • IT Legends (Gates, Jobs, Berners-Lee etc)
  • Android Releases (Cupcake, Donut, Gingerbread etc)

Other peoples suggestions:

  • Big Bang Theory (The TV show) – Suggested by @mccallumcharlie
  • Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock – Suggested by @egelmex
  • Text Editors (Emacs, vim, Eclipse, TextMate, SublimeText, Notepad++, BBEdit, etc) – Suggested by @abizern
  • Episode names from Look Around You? (Water, Maths, Sodium, Germs, Ghosts, Music, Iron, Brain, etc.) – Suggested by @jonginn
  • Turing Award winners. (Hamming, Knuth, Hoare, Sutherland, Thomson & Ritchie) – Suggested by @RalphCorderoy

announcing Bar Camp Bournemouth 4

Barcamp Bournemouth 4 is an unconference for anyone interested in the Web, IT, gadgets, mobile, apps… held on Saturday 3rd March 2012 10am until Sunday 4th March 2012 4pm at Bournemouth University.

For more information browse our website.

The About/FAQs section should provide all the answers to common questions.
If you think you can sponsor us please visit the sponsors page for more information.

Newsflash: The final batch of tickets are now available from



BarCamp Bournemouth 4 will be enticing out the bodgers and tinkerers with its very own hackspace!

We’ll be dedicating some room for those who like to get a bit more physical with,  err, their technology.

Bought an Arduino and want to get started with it? Bring it along!

Does your breadboard put Spaghetti Junction to shame? We’d love to see it!

Got a Raspberry Pi and want to show everyone what they’re missing? Come make us jealous!

Photo CC from Nik’s events