news past bar camps

Barcamp Bournemouth 6

Thank you everyone for coming, thanks to our sponsors and thanks for all your kind words. We hope you had a great time, learnt some neat stuff, met some cool folks and went away happy!

The schedule filled up nicely, with a great variety of talks:


Here’s the blog posts and talks we know about so far from #BCBOMO6:

(If we’ve missed yours, send it over you plum!)

And a selection of tweets:


Room names for BCBOMO6

So here are the suggestions for room names for this years barcamp:

  • Power Rangers bad guys: 
    Rita, Goldar, Squatt, Baboo & Finster
  • Dr Who actors: 
    Capaldi, Smith, Tennant, Hurt, Ecclestone
  • ***WINNER*** Crystal maze zones: 
    Aztec, Futuristic, mediaeval, industrial and crystal dome
  • Jurassic park: 
    Velociraptor, Tyrranosaur, Diplodocus, Stegosaurus & Jeff Goldblum
  • Pokemon game titles:
    blue, crystal, ruby…
  • 90s band names:
  • Planets:
    Mars, Pluto, Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus (- is Pluto still a planet?)

Thanks to: Jonginn,  alukeonlife, benonthehill, philhaz, tweetingsherry & tombuildsstuff for the suggestions!

65 wonderful people already have their free tickets for Barcamp Bournemouth, do you?

UPDATED: with winner!


Tickets for BCBOMO6

As ever, tickets for this year’s fantastic Barcamp Bournemouth are FREE.

We’re releasing them in batches on >> eventbrite << on these dates:

  • Tuesday 18th at midday (DONE)
  • Friday 21st at midday
  • Tuesday 25th at midday
  • and Friday 28th at midday

If for any reason you can no longer attend, please do release your ticket so someone else can have it. Thanks!

And finally… continuing the fine tradition of “what the hell do we name the rooms this year?” – your suggestions for the 5 room names (inc 1 lecture theatre) are very welcome in the comments below…