
Go go gadget tickets!

Just over a week to go till Bar Camp Bournemouth 7 – there are still a few tickets available on eventbrite

Things you need to know:

  • Doors open 10am
  • Intro talk 1015 – if you’ve never been PLEASE make sure you’re there for then
  • We’ll be using old school post-its to build the schedule – if you already know what your session is, feel free to bring it along and add it to the schedule
  • (Stealing from Adrian at UXBOMO) we’ll also be encouraging people to dot those sessions they intend to attend so we can move to fit them into the spaces available
  • Lunch is provided (Thanks to our sponsors: BCS Dorset, aTech Media and Proactive) – there will be a veggie option, any other dietary requirements (allergies etc) please drop the organisers a note ASAP via twitter or email
  • The last session of the day will be lightning talks
  • The venue will be open to the public from 6 but is exclusive to us until then, we’ll continue with karaoke powerpoint etc after 6 in one of the spaces
  • We have some budget to provide free drinks (thanks again sponsors!), when would you like that? through the day, lunchtime, end of the day?

Any questions – leave in the comments and we’ll get back to you ASAP!


New venue – The Orange Rooms Bournemouth

We’ve updated our FAQ to reflect the new venue, with a map and stuff.

The Orange Rooms is a very short walk from Bournemouth Station, there’s a car park just round the corner and it’s on most of the bus routes through Bournemouth & Poole.


We’ll have all three floors, with 5 areas on the schedule and break out space in booths and outside on the ground floor:

The Welcome Lounge

  • Space for all attendees to mill around and 20-30 seated around the main screen
  • Large TV screen
  • Bar 🙂
  • The schedule & registration area

The Alpine Lodge

  • holds around 30 seated
  • projector
  • life size polar bear*

The Bunker

  • Lots of bean bag seating
  • Projector
  • holds 40-50 seated

Orange Breakout

  • holds 10 people
  • no screen but good for discussion type sessions around a laptop

Bunker breakout

  • holds 15 people
  • no screen but good for discussion type sessions around a laptop

There is Wifi (social account log on) throughout, although it wasn’t as strong in the Bunker – good phone signal on ground and upper floors if you need to set up a hot spot.

We’ve almost secured a second sponsor to provide lunch (hurrah!) but would love to hear from anyone who’s happy to help out (a tea/coffee/bar sponsor could be nice…)

Tickets released on Wednesday 18th March – hope to see you on April 18th!

*well, maybe not lifesized but pretty big


Announcing Barcamp Bournemouth number 7

Ladies, gentlemen and goats we’re very proud to say Barcamp Bournemouth is returning for our 7th year on April 18th 2015!

We’ll have some more details to follow but for now, stick it in your diary and keep the date free.

How the bejesus did we end up 7 years old???

On behalf of all of the current and former organisers we’d like to say a huge THANK YOU to Bournemouth University for being our hosts for the last 6 years.

This year, we’re trying a new, more central location that is a short walk from the railway station – we’ve loved being at the uni but we’ve also had plenty of feedback through the years that those of you who arrive by train find it hard to get to.

Thank you as well to long term sponsor Proactive who have kindly come forward already to offer support for #BCBOMO7 – we’d love to hear from any of you who may be able to sponsor further to keep this event free for attendees (plus lunch &maybe some drinks…)

Peace out x