
announcing Bar Camp Bournemouth 4

Barcamp Bournemouth 4 is an unconference for anyone interested in the Web, IT, gadgets, mobile, apps… held on Saturday 3rd March 2012 10am until Sunday 4th March 2012 4pm at Bournemouth University.

For more information browse our website.

The About/FAQs section should provide all the answers to common questions.
If you think you can sponsor us please visit the sponsors page for more information.

Newsflash: The final batch of tickets are now available from


A date for the diary…

Please stick the 3rd & 4th of March 2012 in your diary for Bar Camp Bournemouth 4.

More details to follow (and yes, we’ll add some more stuff to the site real soon!)

past bar camps

Bar Camp Bournemouth 1

Back in 2009 there wise man called Mark Ng who decided to put together Bar Camp Bournemouth… with a bit of help from his wife and Adam they did… and it was good.

…even if some people found the intro boring…

I went along, helped with a few bits here n there and loved it.

There were some amazing sessions on both days

And enough Clipper Tea to fill a smart car (thanks Clipper btw!)

Then Mark buggered off and left us for the states (booo)… but bar camp lives on!

There are plenty more photos from #bcbomo1 to be found on Flickr.