
Tickets for BCBOMO6

As ever, tickets for this year’s fantastic Barcamp Bournemouth are FREE.

We’re releasing them in batches on >> eventbrite << on these dates:

  • Tuesday 18th at midday (DONE)
  • Friday 21st at midday
  • Tuesday 25th at midday
  • and Friday 28th at midday

If for any reason you can no longer attend, please do release your ticket so someone else can have it. Thanks!

And finally… continuing the fine tradition of “what the hell do we name the rooms this year?” – your suggestions for the 5 room names (inc 1 lecture theatre) are very welcome in the comments below…


Here comes BCBOMO 6

Get your diaries out and stick in May 10th.

We’re runing Bar Camp Bournemouth as a one day event this year, life’s moved on since we first started and with plenty of other events around we’ve decided to make it one day.

Tickets will be released on march 18th – stay tuned for more details!



Just a quick one to say… ooops and thanks.

Thanks to everyone who came – special thanks to all the sponsors – go on click ’em n check them out over there >>>>


Ooops – we forgot to write a review. Yeah, we’ll get right on that – there’s lots of bits online… go do some googling!

As for Bar Camp Bournemouth 5… yes, we’re thinking about it…