Ladies, gentlemen and goats we’re very proud to say Barcamp Bournemouth is returning for our 7th year on April 18th 2015!
We’ll have some more details to follow but for now, stick it in your diary and keep the date free.
How the bejesus did we end up 7 years old???
On behalf of all of the current and former organisers we’d like to say a huge THANK YOU to Bournemouth University for being our hosts for the last 6 years.
This year, we’re trying a new, more central location that is a short walk from the railway station – we’ve loved being at the uni but we’ve also had plenty of feedback through the years that those of you who arrive by train find it hard to get to.
Thank you as well to long term sponsor Proactive who have kindly come forward already to offer support for #BCBOMO7 – we’d love to hear from any of you who may be able to sponsor further to keep this event free for attendees (plus lunch &maybe some drinks…)
Peace out x